Sunday, May 22, 2011

Turning your photos from lovely to gorgeous!

So I'm not really the green fingered type and manage to kill most plants and flowers I come into contact with....luckily for me the previous owner of our house was a gardening genius and so our garden is constantly blooming with something lovely that smells delicious...

...don't ask me what they all are though, sure I can recognise Roses and Bluebells and last year found out what a Peony is....but that's about it. 

Therefore I need to cheat to achieve an amazing display of flowers within my house and so I wander out to the garden cut a few stems and pop them into an old jam jar or bottle....and ta da...a beautiful arrangement instantly and best of all...its free!!

But because my photography side comes out whenever I see something gorgeous I start playing with the flowers to see what happens....

I love the faded look of this one and so continued to play and discovered you can make them look....wait for it....Vintage!!

Love it...

So cute...

Then I wondered what they would look like almost black and white but with the tiniest bit of pink still in the flowers....

brightened it up....


Bex x

1 comment:

  1. Your photos are wonderful. It is so much fun to play with the colors :-)
    I just added you to my sidebar under "Beach blogs" :-)


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